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Humber Public Interest Research Group, or HummPIRG was founded in September 2013 to bring together students with a common goal - to make the world we live on a better world, a
fair world, a peaceful world.
Whatever issue you are passionate about, bring it to HummPIRG.
We are excited to support any initiative you might have in mind.
Right now we are working towards Fair Trade Campus designation
for Humber College! We would love your support! #FairTradeHumber
Let's get Social.
Find us at Lakeshore Campus too!
2016/2017 Executive Team
President: Reece Van Breda- @reecevanbreda
Vice President: Monika Frejlich - @monikafrejlich
Finance Manager: Thiraya Naidoo - @thiraya_naidoo
Events Manager: Eidom Michael - @emich_
Marketing Executive: Aydan Lalonde - @glad11able
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